Home Lifestyle 7 Reasons to Start Drinking Cannabis Tea

7 Reasons to Start Drinking Cannabis Tea

You already know eating and inhaling cannabis provides a number of health benefits, but did you know you could be drinking it too?

Cannabis tea is one of the healthiest beverages on the planet. It is loaded with vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants.

People drink it for alleviating everything from morning sickness to stress.

Now, modern research has given us a much better idea of how it can improve our health.

Here are 7 incredible cannabis tea health benefits, plus a recipe you can try out.

#1) Cannabis Tea Reduces Chronic Pain

Do you suffer from chronic pain?

Evidence suggests drinking cannabis could help.

Here’s why:

Cannabinoids, compounds in cannabis like THC and CBD, have pain-fighting properties.

When you ingest a cannabis drink, the active ingredients in the plant are absorbed through the digestive track and liver.

Typically, it takes about 30-90 minutes for the tea to take effect.

Why is this important?

The pain relief is ongoing.

Similar to edibles, you’ll normally feel the effects for around 4-8 hours, but it could take as long as two hours before you notice onset of effects.

Because of the slow acting, but long-lasting effects, cannabis-infused tea can be particularly helpful for chronic conditions like cancer, AIDS, MS, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Instead of dosing several times throughout the day, one cup of tea provides extended pain relief.

BONUS TIP: For maximum cannabinoid absorption, consider drinking special tea with along with a fat source. This will help your body to better metabolize the cannabinoids.

#2) Relieves Anxiety and Depression

Next to stress, anxiety and depression are among the most common ailments people experience.

Globally, it is estimated that 350 million people suffer from depression. And one out of every thirteen people worldwide is affected by anxiety.

In fact, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States.

But with if cannabis could help?

Specifically infusing this medicinal herb into tea form has a number of healing qualities that could offer relief.

Studies show that cannabis contains powerful neuroprotective properties and plays a major role in regulating emotional behavior.

These effects can be explained in part by the numerous components of cannabis.

Cannabis contains antioxidants that help repair cells and protect DNA from damage. It also happens to be a potent anti-inflammatory, which can help with brain swelling.

That’s not all…

Brain inflammation is a leading cause of depression and anxiety.

By reducing inflammation, cannabis helps the brain to heal itself and overcome damage from stress.

Bottom line?

Cannabis is not a cure-all for depression or anxiety. We need more research to make any definitive claims.

However, we do know that cannabis can have a positive impact.

And what better way to medicate than with a relaxing cup of tea?

Not only is the process itself soothing but the beverage is loaded with healing properties for your mental health.

#3) Improves Lung Health

Did you know cannabis actually enhances rather than inhibits lung functioning?

Unlike tobacco, cannabis acts as a bronchodilator rather than a bronchoconstrictor.

In other words, cannabis actually decreases resistance in the respiratory tract and increases airflow.

And it gets better…

Cannabis could even help treat lung cancer.

Researchers from Harvard University found that THC reduces tumor growth in lung cancer by 50 percent. In fact, THC also significantly reduced the ability of cancer to spread.

Cannabis tea offers an alternative to people who wish to experience the benefits of cannabis without smoking it.

If you have a respiratory ailment, this can be especially beneficial.

#4) Supports Heart Health

You probably know that regular exercise and a healthy diet prevent many forms of heart disease.

But did you know it might be time to add cannabis to the mix?

According to a study published in the journal Pharmacological Researchcannabinoids lower blood pressure and improve circulation in human tissue.

Essentially, the compounds in cannabis open the arteries by causing them to relax and widen.

Why is this significant?

High blood pressure and blocked arteries are known to cause heart attacks and heart disease.

Cannabis could help change this.

Now, we’re not saying you should start lighting up to decrease your blood pressure. Smoking cannabis has been known to raise a person’s heart rate initially.

However, drinking it in tea form could help.

The effects are gentle and mild as long as you don’t over-consume.

How much should you be drinking?

We recommend starting off with a single serving, about one glass. Monitor your body’s response and wait at least 2 hours before consuming more.

Gradually increase your dosage if necessary.

BONUS TIP: Want to make your own infused beverage? Scroll down for an easy cannabis tea recipe.

#5) Cannabis Tea Eases Symptoms of Nausea

Have you ever felt sick to your stomach?

Nausea is an uncomfortable feeling we’re all familiar with.

While not pleasant, nausea is one of our body’s defense mechanisms. It’s how we fight against toxic substances.

Luckily, our body is normally able to fight invaders off quickly and queasy feelings don’t last long.

But what happens when nausea is chronic?

Unfortunately, nausea is a symptom associated with several serious illnesses.

Many people, especially those undergoing chemotherapy, experience nausea on a regular basis.

Which may leave you wondering – could cannabis help?

The active substance in cannabis, THC, has shown to relieve nausea and stimulate appetite.

In fact, nausea and vomiting following chemotherapy is one of the best-supported therapeutic uses of cannabis according to the British Medical Association in their review of 13 studies.

Now, imagine the therapeutic potential of drinking cannabis tea.

You could reap cannabis’ anti-nausea benefits AND it would be easy on the stomach. With the right infusion, ideally a strain high in THC, cannabis tea could also increase appetite.

This could be life-changing for chemotherapy patients who are susceptible to deadly weight loss.

#6) Alleviates Bowel Problems

Cannabis isn’t only beneficial for reducing nausea; it also has a long and documented history of aiding in gastrointestinal relief.

Cannabis can alleviate symptoms like cramping, constipation, and diarrhea.

For people suffering from gastrointestinal disorders such as IBS and Crohn’s disease, this is life altering.

Research suggests that cannabis interacts with the endogenous cannabinoid receptors in the digestive tract to reduce muscle spasms, pain, and improve motility.

Drinking cannabis tea could be a great way to target these symptoms related to the G.I. tract because those cannabinoids head straight for your gut.

So, instead of eating cannabis on an upset stomach why not drink it?

Not only is the act of sipping on tea therapeutic in itself, but the healing properties of cannabis-infused tea enhance the experience.

#7) Could Prevent Onset of Alzheimer’s Disease

Could drinking cannabis really prevent Alzheimer’s Disease?

According to science, that answer is yes.

A preclinical study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease revealed small doses of THC slowed the production of beta-amyloid proteins.

Why is this important?

Beta-amyloid proteins are a hallmark characteristic of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Although the findings are preliminary, the study indicates cannabinoids are neuroprotective – a key factor in preventing the onset of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Granted, no studies have been conducted evaluating the effects of cannabis-infused tea for patients with Alzheimer’s yet. However, we do know that cannabis provides anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective capabilities.

Drinking cannabis tea is simply another way to supply the body with these powerful cannabinoids.

Want to Try Cannabis Tea? Recipe and Tips…

Another advantage of cannabis-infused tea is that it’s fairly easy to make.

People make it in all sorts of ways.

You can use buds, leaves, keif, and even stems.

The biggest thing to remember is that THC is not water soluble, so if you want potency you’ve got to first heat your cannabis with milk, butter, or coconut oil.

This will allow the THC molecules to combine with the fat molecules, creating a psychoactive solution you’ll use for your tea.

Here’s a quick recipe to get you started:

Cannabis Tea Ingredients

  • ½ gram cannabis flower
  • ½ teaspoon butter (could substitute with milk or coconut oil)
  • 1 tea bag
  • 2 cups water
  • Optional: Honey to taste

Cannabis Tea Recipe

Making cannabis tea is easier than you think. Follow these simple steps for a healthy and soothing beverage.

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 30-45 minutes

Serving Size: 1 cup of tea (Wait at least 2 hours before consuming more.)

Step 1 Grind ½ gram of flower

Step 2 Mix ground flower with butter in a medium saucepan. Bring the mixture to a simmer.

Step 3 Pour the mixture into a tag bag or tea ball

Step 4 Bring 2 cups water to a boil.

Step 5 Place tea bag into the boiling water. Reduce heat and let simmer for at least 30 minutes.

Step 6 Remove tag bag and let the mixture cool before serving.

As our friends at Merry Jane point out, you can also add different herbs and spices to the mix for enhanced therapy or taste.

With any cannabis tea recipe you try, we highly recommend you start small so that you can experiment and find something that delivers the best results.

Another reason to start small is that cannabis tea doesn’t store well and is better consumed fresh.

If you have any specific recipes or tips you’d like to share with the community, let us know in the comment section below!

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Ahimbisibwe Marcas - 0

Thank you for the guidance.

Claudine Miller - 0

Wow! That’s a lot of things to consider. I guess I will start taking cannabis tea soon. Thank you for listing down these benefits. I like reading this kind of article. It added my knowledge about cannabis.

G. Hill - 0

I have suffered for over 3 years with intestinal problems I had given up ever feeling normal I started drinking tea made from my pot plant after 2 cups I was cured it is unbelievable but it dose work I now have a cup every other day


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