In the past decade, dabbing cannabis concentrates has become all the rage. Refined versions of raw plant material, so-called “dabs” contain more of the active ingredients found within cannabis. From…
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The United States would still have a prison problem if it did away with its nonviolent prison sentences. That said, the measure would be a massive boost to a recently…
You may initially think that cannabis and fitness don’t go together, but they absolutely do. Your athletic performance can evolve thanks to cannabis consumption, as long as you use the right type and amount.
Smoking is still the most popular way to consume cannabis, but edibles are now close behind in its rearview mirror, becoming more prevalent every day. The world has come a…
Sometimes keeping the cannabis smoking process simple results in the best experiences, which is why we’re taking a look at the chillum. Considered to be one of the most traditional smoking tools, the chillum is a sleek straight pipe that’s highly effective.
St. Lucia’s Minister of Commerce and Investment, Bradley Felix, has recently announced the government will be drafting legislation to legalize adult-use cannabis throughout the island nation. The declaration entered St.…