Home Cultivation Sneak Peek: The Cannabis Cultivation Certificate Program

Sneak Peek: The Cannabis Cultivation Certificate Program

With so much on the line and regulations getting tighter, cultivators need skilled, knowledgeable employees.

This is exactly why cannabis companies are getting smarter about who they hire and how they train so that everybody in the grow operation is on the same page, no matter how many plants you’re cultivating.

Our online Cannabis Cultivation Certificate has helped entire teams and thousands of people get up to speed with expert-level knowledge on growing quality cannabis, from seed storage to light deprivation techniques, nutrient and soil strategies, organic pest prevention, diagnosing and addressing plant illness, harvesting and curing and much more.

Interested? Check out the sneak peek videos below and enjoy the quality of this industry-endorsed Certificate Program.

1) Know Your Trichomes

If you’re interested in cannabis cultivation, then you likely know a thing or two about cannabis trichomes – those coveted crystalline chemical factories that cover substantial parts of the cannabis plant.

In fact, you could also call a cannabis grower a trichome harvester because the chemical compounds – namely cannabinoids and terpenes – in those small structures are what most people are looking for.

In this video excerpt, you can catch the first part of Mel Frank’s deep-dive on this important topic:

2) Pruning Your Cannabis Plants

Pruning your cannabis plants is a subtle art that comes with major advantages – if you do it the right way. What are those advantages exactly? How much should you prune and when? Where on the plant should you focus?

Master Growers Kyle Kushman and Derek Gilman get into all of that in this excerpt:

3) Harvesting Techniques May Vary

How you harvest cannabis plants is mostly dependent on end-use and destination, as Kevin Jodrey points out in this excerpt.

Are the plants headed for an extraction process? Or are you harvesting for cannabis flower to be sold in dispensaries?

And what about harvesting for high-end flower versus bottom-shelf flower?

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Trusted by top universities, utilized by companies around the world, and endorsed by the leaders shaping the modern cannabis industry, Green Flower courses are the gold standard in cannabis education and training.

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